Large Protest - A Day In the Life

By Benton on 9:33 AM
Thought I'd give you a little anecdote of what happens when you live in Washington D.C.. I get these emails about once a week, but usually the building just ignores them. Not today. My office is across the street from the FBI (makes all those worried about feel a little safer, huh) and apparently a protest is heading by right now.

Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:24 AM
Importance: High


DC Metropolitan Police just informed us a large protest will be coming past our building around 9:30 AM. They have asked us to lock down the 9th Street and “D” Street doors until the protestors past. DC Police will station a police officer outside of both entrances and employees will be able to use their fob keys for entry into the building.

Management will send an email once all the doors are reopened. Thanks for your patience in advance.

Property Manager | Property Management
401 9th Street, NW, Suite 150
Washington, DC 20004
T: (202) 420-5970 | F: (202) 638-5897
Just a day in the life.


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